Our offer is our passion, knowledge and experience in both the energy industry and the technologies driving the energy transition. Our ability to combine these, is what uniquely enables us to solve problems and create value in everything from strategic to operational level!
fifty5north's consultancy is based on our extensive experience in energy and low carbon technology.
We offer everything from resourcing of innovation projects to guidance on a strategic level, and we value the opportunity to support and grow with our partners.
fifty5north provide expert support and collaboration in energy relevant concepts and topics. As systems integrators we offer expertise in smart energy solutions, business models, and the evolving energy sector regulation.
We adapt the support to our clients’ needs and deliver specifically adapted solutions to best support products and ventures.
Novion är en del av regleringsteamet på E.ON som hanterar ändringarna i elnätsregleringen till perioden 2024-2027
Novion stöttar Modity Energy Trading i etableringen av ett programkontor för flexibilitetsstjänster
Novion bidrar med operativt stöd i utveckling av revolutionerande nätberäkningsverktyg
Novion utvecklar en egen lösning som bland annat möjliggör direkt kommunikation mellan de nya smarta mätarna och laddstolpar
Novion stöttar E.ON Energidistribution i utvecklingen av flexibilitetslösningar och kapacitetsmarknader